YouScope R2016 (v2.0.0) finally released

After hard work, we finally released today the stable build of YouScope R2016 (v2.0.0). The last beta (Beta 6) proved stable and ready for productive use.
Most new features of R2016 were already available (and extensively tested) in the pre-releases. The highlights contain support for completely customizable non-regular microplates and -chips, easier configurable measurements, extended support for microfluidics, the possibility to edit measurements while running in a controlled way, and various new job types allowing to further customize imaging protocols. We recommend switching to R2016 to all users!

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Cite YouScope

Lang, M., Rudolf, F., & Stelling, J. (2012).
Use of YouScope to Implement Systematic Microscopy Protocols.
Current Protocols in Molecular Biology, 14-21.

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