Tutorials and Documentation
The easiest way to get started with YouScope is to read the tutorial:
Lang, M., Rudolf, F., & Stelling, J. (2012).
Use of YouScope to Implement Systematic Microscopy Protocols
Current Protocols in Molecular Biology, 14-21.
In this tutorial, we describe how to configure the microscope settings, how to use the YouScope LiveStream and similar tools, and how to set up a microplate measurement to perform a given imaging protocols in all wells of a microplate.
Another source for information is the YouScope wiki, which is hosted at GitHub:
Currently, the wiki describes how to download the source files of YouScope and how to create custom plugins for YouScope. However, we plan to extend the wiki in the future to also provide information on how to perform measurements, and similar.
API Documentation
The API of YouScope (i.e. the "code") is documented by using JavaDoc. The current JavaDoc documentation about the API can be found underline http://langmo.github.io/youscope/javadoc/index.html.