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accessID - Variable in class org.youscope.server.AvailableDeviceDriverRMI
accumulate(String, Object) - Method in class org.json.JSONObject
Accumulate values under a key.
activateChannel(int) - Method in interface org.youscope.addon.microscopeaccess.ChannelInternal
Activates the channel, i.e.
activePixelChanged(ImagePanel.PixelInfo) - Method in interface org.youscope.uielements.ImagePanel.PixelListener
Notifies a listener that the currently active (hovered) pixel changed, or that the mouse exited the image.
add(Component) - Method in class org.youscope.uielements.DynamicPanel
add(Component, int) - Method in class org.youscope.uielements.DynamicPanel
add(Component, GridBagConstraints) - Method in class org.youscope.uielements.DynamicPanel
Adds a component, setting the grid bag layout to the given constraints.
add(Component, int, GridBagConstraints) - Method in class org.youscope.uielements.DynamicPanel
Adds a component at a specific position, setting the grid bag layout to the given constraints.
addActionListener(ActionListener) - Method in interface org.youscope.addon.component.generic.PropertyEditor
Adds a listener to be notified when the value of the property edited changed.
addActionListener(ActionListener) - Method in class org.youscope.addon.component.generic.PropertyEditorAdapter
addActionListener(ActionListener) - Method in class org.youscope.client.uielements.DefaultQuickLoggerModel
addActionListener(ActionListener) - Method in interface org.youscope.client.uielements.QuickLoggerModel
Adds a listener which gets notified if the logged data changed.
addActionListener(ActionListener) - Method in class org.youscope.uielements.CameraField
Adds an action listener which gets notified when the camera selection changed.
addActionListener(ActionListener) - Method in class org.youscope.uielements.ChannelField
Adds an action listener which gets notified when the channel selection changed.
addActionListener(ActionListener) - Method in class org.youscope.uielements.ComponentComboBox
addActionListener(ActionListener) - Method in class org.youscope.uielements.DeviceSettingsPanel
Adds a listener which gets notified if a device setting changed, was added or deleted.
addActionListener(ActionListener) - Method in class org.youscope.uielements.FocusField
Adds an action listener which gets notified when the focus device or focus adjustment time selection changed.
addActionListener(ActionListener) - Method in class org.youscope.uielements.HistogramPlot
Adds an action listener which gets notified if the histogram range changed.
addActionListener(ActionListener) - Method in class org.youscope.uielements.LinkLabel
Adds an action listener which gets activated if the link is pressed.
addActionListener(ActionListener) - Method in class org.youscope.uielements.LiveStreamPanel.ChannelControl
Adds a listener which gets notified when channel configuration changed.
addActionListener(ActionListener) - Method in class org.youscope.uielements.PeriodField
Adds an action listener when value changes
addActionListener(ActionListener) - Method in class org.youscope.uielements.SubConfigurationPanel
Adds an action listener which gets notified if the chosen configuration type changes.
addAddon(Class<? extends ComponentAddonUI<C>>, CustomAddonCreator<C, ?>, ComponentMetadata<C>) - Method in class org.youscope.addon.component.ComponentAddonFactoryAdapter
Adds an addon which does component creation on its own, as well as has an own UI.
addAddon(Class<? extends ComponentAddonUI<C>>, Class<? extends Component>, ComponentMetadata<C>) - Method in class org.youscope.addon.component.ComponentAddonFactoryAdapter
Adds an addon with an own UI, but automatic component creation by appropriate constructors of the component.
addAddon(String, Class<C>, Class<? extends Component>) - Method in class org.youscope.addon.component.ComponentAddonFactoryAdapter
Adds an addon with an automatically generated UI, as well as automatic component creation by appropriate constructors of the component.
addAddon(String, Class<C>, CustomAddonCreator<C, ?>) - Method in class org.youscope.addon.component.ComponentAddonFactoryAdapter
Adds an addon which does component creation on its own, but has generic UI.
addAddon(Class<? extends ComponentAddonUI<C>>, MeasurementInitializer<C>, ComponentMetadata<C>) - Method in class org.youscope.addon.measurement.MeasurementAddonFactoryAdapter
Adds an addon.
addAddon(Class<? extends Skin>, AddonMetadata) - Method in class
Adds an addon.
addAddon(Class<? extends ToolAddonUI>, ToolMetadata) - Method in class org.youscope.addon.tool.ToolAddonFactoryAdapter
Adds an addon.
addButtonFile - Static variable in class org.youscope.uielements.PeriodVaryingPanel
addButtonIcon - Variable in class org.youscope.uielements.PeriodVaryingPanel
addCallbackListener(UserControlMeasurementCallbackListener) - Method in interface org.youscope.plugin.usercontrolmeasurement.UserControlMeasurementCallback
Adds a listener to the user control callback which gets informed upon user interaction.
addCellSelectionListener(CellSelectionTable.CellSelectionListener) - Method in class org.youscope.uielements.CellSelectionTable
Adds a listener which gets notified if the selection changes.
addCenter(Component) - Method in class org.youscope.uielements.DynamicPanel
Adding an element, setting the layout such that it is centered in its own line..
addCenter(Component, int) - Method in class org.youscope.uielements.DynamicPanel
Inserts an element at the given index, setting the layout such that the element gets centered in its own line.
addChannel(String, String) - Method in interface org.youscope.common.microscope.ChannelManager
Adds the channel in the given config group.
addChannelOffSetting(DeviceSetting) - Method in interface org.youscope.common.microscope.Channel
Adds a setting to the list of settings which get deactivated if this channel gets deactivated.
addChannelOnSetting(DeviceSetting) - Method in interface org.youscope.common.microscope.Channel
Adds a setting to the list of settings which get activated if this channel gets activated.
addChildFrame(YouScopeFrame) - Method in interface org.youscope.clientinterfaces.YouScopeFrame
Adds the frame as a child frame to this frame.
addClientFinishListener(ActionListener) - Method in class org.youscope.client.YouScopeClientImpl
Adds a listener which gets notified if the server finished execution.
addConfigurationListener(MicroscopeConfigurationListener) - Method in interface org.youscope.addon.microscopeaccess.MicroscopeInternal
Adds a listener which gets informed if the configuration of the microscope changes.
addConfigurationListener(MicroscopeConfigurationListener) - Method in interface org.youscope.common.microscope.Microscope
Adds a listener which gets informed if the configuration of the microscope changes.
addConfigurationListener(ComponentAddonUIListener<? super T>) - Method in class org.youscope.plugin.microplatejob.JobConfigurationPanel
Adds a listener which gets notified if the configuration is finished.
addConnectionListener(MatlabConnectionListener) - Method in class org.youscope.plugin.matlabscripting.RemoteMatlabProxyFactory
Add a listener to be notified when MATLAB connections are established and lost.
addControl(String, Component) - Method in class org.youscope.uielements.ImagePanel
Adds a component with the given title to the end of the menu containing all controls.
addControl(String, Component, boolean) - Method in class org.youscope.uielements.ImagePanel
Adds a component with the given title to the end of the menu containing all controls.
addControlImageListener(ImageListener) - Method in interface org.youscope.plugin.lifecelldetection.CellDetectionJob
Adds a listener which is invoked if a new control image was created.
addDeviceSetting(String, String, String) - Method in interface org.youscope.common.job.basicjobs.DeviceSettingJob
Adds a new device setting.
addFill(Component) - Method in class org.youscope.uielements.DynamicPanel
Adding an element, setting the layout such that the element gets additional vertical space if available.
addFill(Component, int) - Method in class org.youscope.uielements.DynamicPanel
Inserts an element at the given index, setting the layout such that the element gets additional vertical space if available.
addFillEmpty() - Method in class org.youscope.uielements.DynamicPanel
Adds an empty document, setting its layout such that it fills empty vertical space if available.
addFinishDeviceSetting(DeviceSetting) - Method in interface org.youscope.common.measurement.Measurement
Adds a device settings which should be applied (once) the measurement ends.
addFrameListener(YouScopeFrameListener) - Method in class org.youscope.addon.AddonUIAdapter
Adds a listener to the frame in which the UI element is initialized (or, to which the panel belongs) which is informed e.g.
addFrameListener(YouScopeFrameListener) - Method in interface org.youscope.clientinterfaces.YouScopeFrame
Adds a listener to the frame which is informed e.g.
addGridBagElement(Component, GridBagLayout, GridBagConstraints, Container) - Static method in class org.youscope.uielements.StandardFormats
Adds the given component to the container using the given layout and constraints.
addImageListener(ImageListener) - Method in interface org.youscope.common.image.ImageProducer
Adds a listener which is invoked if the camera of the microscope made a new picture.
addImageSynchronizationDevice(String, int) - Method in interface org.youscope.addon.microscopeaccess.MicroscopeConfigurationInternal
Adds the given device to the list of image synchronization devices.
addImageSynchronizationDevice(String) - Method in interface org.youscope.common.microscope.MicroscopeConfiguration
Adds the given device to the list of image synchronization devices.
addItemListener(ItemListener) - Method in class org.youscope.uielements.ChannelField
Listener which gets notified one or two times when selected channel changes.
addJob(Job) - Method in interface org.youscope.common.job.EditableJobContainer
Adds a job to the end of the container.
addJob(Job) - Method in class org.youscope.common.job.EditableJobContainerAdapter
addJob(JobConfiguration) - Method in interface org.youscope.common.job.JobContainerConfiguration
Adds a job to the job list.
addJob(JobConfiguration, int) - Method in interface org.youscope.common.job.JobContainerConfiguration
Adds a job to the job list.
addJob(JobConfiguration) - Method in class org.youscope.common.task.TaskConfiguration
addJob(JobConfiguration, int) - Method in class org.youscope.common.task.TaskConfiguration
addJob(JobConfiguration) - Method in class org.youscope.plugin.autofocus.AutoFocusJobConfiguration
addJob(JobConfiguration, int) - Method in class org.youscope.plugin.autofocus.AutoFocusJobConfiguration
addJob(JobConfiguration) - Method in class org.youscope.plugin.composedimaging.PlateScanningJobConfiguration
addJob(JobConfiguration, int) - Method in class org.youscope.plugin.composedimaging.PlateScanningJobConfiguration
addJob(JobConfiguration) - Method in class org.youscope.plugin.composedimaging.StaggeringJobConfiguration
addJob(JobConfiguration, int) - Method in class org.youscope.plugin.composedimaging.StaggeringJobConfiguration
addJob(JobConfiguration) - Method in class org.youscope.plugin.compositejob.CompositeJobConfiguration
addJob(JobConfiguration, int) - Method in class org.youscope.plugin.compositejob.CompositeJobConfiguration
addJob(JobConfiguration) - Method in class org.youscope.plugin.customjob.CustomJobConfiguration
addJob(JobConfiguration, int) - Method in class org.youscope.plugin.customjob.CustomJobConfiguration
addJob(JobConfiguration) - Method in class org.youscope.plugin.deviceslides.DeviceSlidesJobConfiguration
addJob(JobConfiguration, int) - Method in class org.youscope.plugin.deviceslides.DeviceSlidesJobConfiguration
addJob(JobConfiguration) - Method in class org.youscope.plugin.lifecelldetection.CellDetectionJobConfiguration
addJob(JobConfiguration, int) - Method in class org.youscope.plugin.lifecelldetection.CellDetectionJobConfiguration
addJob(JobConfiguration) - Method in class org.youscope.plugin.livemodifiablejob.LiveModifiableJobConfiguration
addJob(JobConfiguration, int) - Method in class org.youscope.plugin.livemodifiablejob.LiveModifiableJobConfiguration
addJob(JobConfiguration) - Method in class org.youscope.plugin.microplatejob.MicroplateJobConfiguration
addJob(JobConfiguration, int) - Method in class org.youscope.plugin.microplatejob.MicroplateJobConfiguration
addJob(JobConfiguration) - Method in class org.youscope.plugin.microplatemeasurement.MicroplateMeasurementConfiguration
addJob(JobConfiguration, int) - Method in class org.youscope.plugin.microplatemeasurement.MicroplateMeasurementConfiguration
addJob(JobConfiguration) - Method in class org.youscope.plugin.repeatjob.RepeatJobConfiguration
addJob(JobConfiguration, int) - Method in class org.youscope.plugin.repeatjob.RepeatJobConfiguration
addJob(JobConfiguration) - Method in class org.youscope.plugin.scriptingjob.ScriptingJobConfiguration
addJob(JobConfiguration, int) - Method in class org.youscope.plugin.scriptingjob.ScriptingJobConfiguration
addJob(JobConfiguration) - Method in class org.youscope.plugin.simplemeasurement.SimpleMeasurementConfiguration
addJob(JobConfiguration, int) - Method in class org.youscope.plugin.simplemeasurement.SimpleMeasurementConfiguration
addJob(JobConfiguration) - Method in class org.youscope.plugin.statistics.StatisticsJobConfiguration
addJob(JobConfiguration, int) - Method in class org.youscope.plugin.statistics.StatisticsJobConfiguration
addJob(JobConfiguration) - Method in class org.youscope.plugin.waitjob.ExecuteAndWaitJobConfiguration
addJob(JobConfiguration, int) - Method in class org.youscope.plugin.waitjob.ExecuteAndWaitJobConfiguration
addJob(JobConfiguration) - Method in class org.youscope.plugin.zslides.ZSlidesJobConfiguration
addJob(JobConfiguration, int) - Method in class org.youscope.plugin.zslides.ZSlidesJobConfiguration
addJobListener(JobListener) - Method in interface org.youscope.common.job.Job
Adds a listener which should e.g.
addJobListener(JobListener) - Method in class org.youscope.common.job.JobAdapter
addLabel() - Method in class org.youscope.addon.component.generic.PropertyEditorAdapter
addLineListener(ImagePanel.LineListener) - Method in class org.youscope.uielements.ImagePanel
Adds a listener which gets informed over lines drawn in the image.
addMeasurementListener(MeasurementListener) - Method in interface org.youscope.common.measurement.Measurement
Adds a listener which is notified about the state of the measurement.
addMessage(String, long) - Method in class org.youscope.client.uielements.DefaultQuickLoggerModel
addMessage(String) - Method in class org.youscope.client.uielements.QuickLogger
Adds a message with the current time to the logger.
addMessage(String, long) - Method in class org.youscope.client.uielements.QuickLogger
Adds a message with the given time stamp to the logger.
addMessage(String, long) - Method in interface org.youscope.client.uielements.QuickLoggerModel
Adds a message to the log.
addMessageListener(MessageListener) - Method in interface org.youscope.addon.component.generic.PropertyEditor
Adds a listener to get notified about errors and similar.
addMessageListener(MessageListener) - Method in class org.youscope.addon.component.generic.PropertyEditorAdapter
addMessageListener(MessageListener) - Method in interface org.youscope.addon.microscopeaccess.MicroscopeInternal
Adds a listener which gets informed when the state of the microscope changes.
addMessageListener(MessageListener) - Method in interface org.youscope.common.Component
Adds a message listener to which (non-error) status information is send.
addMessageListener(MessageListener) - Method in class org.youscope.common.job.JobAdapter
addMessageListener(MessageListener) - Method in interface org.youscope.common.microscope.Microscope
Adds a listener which gets informed when the state of the microscope changes.
addMessageListener(MessageListener) - Method in class org.youscope.common.resource.ResourceAdapter
addMessageListener(MessageListener) - Method in interface org.youscope.plugin.onix.OnixAddon
Adds a listener which gets informed about the actions the Onix device does.
addMessageListener(MessageListener) - Method in class org.youscope.server.YouScopeServerImpl
addMessageListener(MessageListener) - Method in interface org.youscope.serverinterfaces.YouScopeServer
Adds a listener which detects new messages from the server/microscope.
addModalChildFrame(YouScopeFrame) - Method in interface org.youscope.clientinterfaces.YouScopeFrame
Adds the frame as a modal child frame to this frame.
addMultiplePeriodTask(int[], int, int) - Method in interface org.youscope.common.measurement.Measurement
Adds a new task to the measurement so that at times {startTime, startTime + periods[0], startTime + periods[0] + periods[1], ..., startTime + sum_{i=0:size-2}(periods[i]), startTime + sum_{i=0:size-1}(periods[i]) + breakTime, startTime + sum_{i=0:size-1}(periods[i]) + breakTime + periods[0]} the jobs of the task will be executed.
addMultiplePeriodTask(int[], int, int, int) - Method in interface org.youscope.common.measurement.Measurement
Adds a new task to the measurement so that at times {startTime, startTime + periods[0], startTime + periods[0] + periods[1], ..., startTime + sum_{i=0:size-2}(periods[i]), startTime + sum_{i=0:size-1}(periods[i]) + breakTime, startTime + sum_{i=0:size-1}(periods[i]) + breakTime + periods[0]} the jobs of the task will be executed.
AddonException - Exception in org.youscope.addon
Exception thrown by any addon to signal an error in the addon.
AddonException(String) - Constructor for exception org.youscope.addon.AddonException
AddonException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.youscope.addon.AddonException
AddonMetadata - Interface in org.youscope.addon
Provides metadata about a given addon.
AddonMetadataAdapter - Class in org.youscope.addon
Adapter to simplify AddonMetadata construction.
AddonMetadataAdapter(String, String, String[]) - Constructor for class org.youscope.addon.AddonMetadataAdapter
AddonMetadataAdapter(String, String, String[], Icon) - Constructor for class org.youscope.addon.AddonMetadataAdapter
AddonMetadataAdapter(String, String, String[], String) - Constructor for class org.youscope.addon.AddonMetadataAdapter
AddonUI<T extends AddonMetadata> - Interface in org.youscope.addon
Provides the user interface of an addon.
AddonUIAdapter<T extends AddonMetadata> - Class in org.youscope.addon
An adapter class to simplify UI addon development.
AddonUIAdapter(T, YouScopeClient, YouScopeServer) - Constructor for class org.youscope.addon.AddonUIAdapter
addPage(MeasurementAddonUIPage<? super T>) - Method in class org.youscope.addon.measurement.MeasurementAddonUIAdapter
Adds a page to the layout.
addPixelListener(ImagePanel.PixelListener) - Method in class org.youscope.uielements.ImagePanel
Adds a listener which gets informed over which pixels the user hovers with the mouse.
addPixelSize(String) - Method in interface org.youscope.common.microscope.PixelSizeManager
Adds a new pixel size setting with the given ID.
addPixelSizeSetting(DeviceSetting) - Method in interface org.youscope.common.microscope.PixelSize
Adds a setting to the list of settings.
addRow(Serializable...) - Method in class org.youscope.common.table.Table
Adds a row to the table.
addRow(TemporaryRow) - Method in class org.youscope.common.table.Table
Adds a temporary row to this table.
addRow(Integer, Integer, Double, Double, Double, Double) - Method in interface org.youscope.plugin.quickdetect.TableSink
addRows(Table) - Method in class org.youscope.common.table.Table
Adds all rows of the table at the end of the rows of this table.
addSegmentationImageListener(ImageListener) - Method in interface org.youscope.plugin.lifecelldetection.CellDetectionJob
Adds a listener which is invoked if a new segmentation image was created.
addServerFinishListener(ActionListener) - Method in class org.youscope.server.YouScopeServerImpl
Adds a listener which gets notified if the server finished execution.
addSizeChangeListener(ActionListener) - Method in class org.youscope.addon.measurement.MeasurementAddonUIPage
Adds a listener which gets notified if the size of this page changed.
addSizeChangeListener(ActionListener) - Method in class org.youscope.plugin.microplatejob.JobConfigurationPage
Adds a listener which gets notified if the size of this page changed.
addSizeChangeListener(ActionListener) - Method in class org.youscope.plugin.microplatejob.JobConfigurationPanel
Adds a listener which gets notified if the size of this page changed.
addStartupDeviceSetting(DeviceSetting) - Method in interface org.youscope.common.measurement.Measurement
Adds a device setting which should be applied (once) the measurement starts.
addStateListener(MicroscopeStateListener) - Method in class org.youscope.server.YouScopeServerImpl
addStateListener(MicroscopeStateListener) - Method in interface org.youscope.serverinterfaces.YouScopeServer
Adds a listener which detects state changes from the server/microscope.
addSystemShutdownSetting(DeviceSetting, int) - Method in interface org.youscope.addon.microscopeaccess.MicroscopeConfigurationInternal
Adds a setting to the list of settings which will be applied at shutdown.
addSystemShutdownSetting(DeviceSetting) - Method in interface org.youscope.common.microscope.MicroscopeConfiguration
Adds a setting to the list of settings which will be applied at shutdown.
addSystemStartupSetting(DeviceSetting, int) - Method in interface org.youscope.addon.microscopeaccess.MicroscopeConfigurationInternal
Adds a setting to the list of settings which will be applied at startup.
addSystemStartupSetting(DeviceSetting) - Method in interface org.youscope.common.microscope.MicroscopeConfiguration
Adds a setting to the list of settings which will be applied at startup.
addSystemTray() - Method in class org.youscope.server.YouScopeServerImpl
addTableListener(TableListener) - Method in interface org.youscope.common.table.TableProducer
Adds a listener which gets informed of newly created statistical data.
addTask(int, boolean, int) - Method in interface org.youscope.common.measurement.Measurement
Adds a new task to the measurement so that at times ( + i * ) ms, i = 0,1,2,..., the jobs of the task will be executed.
addTask(int, boolean, int, int) - Method in interface org.youscope.common.measurement.Measurement
Adds a new task to the measurement so that at times ( + i * ) ms, i = 0,1,2,..., the jobs of the task will be executed.
addTask(TaskConfiguration) - Method in interface org.youscope.common.task.TaskContainerConfiguration
Adds a new task at the end of the tasks.
addTask(TaskConfiguration) - Method in class org.youscope.plugin.taskmeasurement.TaskMeasurementConfiguration
addTaskListener(TaskListener) - Method in interface org.youscope.common.task.MeasurementTask
Adds a listener which gets informed over the progress of the task.
addTransferListener(OpenBISListener) - Method in interface org.youscope.plugin.openbis.OpenBISAddon
Adds a listener which gets informed about the current state of the transfer.
addTransferListener(OpenBISListener) - Method in class org.youscope.plugin.openbis.OpenBISAddonImpl
addUIListener(ComponentAddonUIListener<? super C>) - Method in interface org.youscope.addon.component.ComponentAddonUI
Adds a listener to this configuration, which should e.g.
addUIListener(ComponentAddonUIListener<? super C>) - Method in class org.youscope.addon.component.ComponentAddonUIAdapter
addUndoRedoListener(UndoRedoListener) - Method in class org.youscope.uielements.scripteditor.ScriptEditor
Adds a listener which gets informed when an undo/redo event happened.
addWellPositionsChangeListener(ActionListener) - Method in class org.youscope.plugin.microplatemeasurement.WellPositionsTable
Adds a listener which gets notified if due to this UI element the configuration changed.
addWellsChangeListener(ActionListener) - Method in class org.youscope.plugin.microplatemeasurement.WellTable
Adds a listener which gets notified if due to this UI element the configuration changed.
adjust() - Method in class org.youscope.uielements.HistogramPlot
Automatically adjusts the minimal and maximal value of the histogram to reasonable values.
AMP - Static variable in class org.json.XML
The Character '&'.
AnsiSBS1536MicroplateType - Class in org.youscope.plugin.ansisbsmicroplates
AnsiSBS1536MicroplateType() - Constructor for class org.youscope.plugin.ansisbsmicroplates.AnsiSBS1536MicroplateType
AnsiSBS384MicroplateType - Class in org.youscope.plugin.ansisbsmicroplates
AnsiSBS384MicroplateType() - Constructor for class org.youscope.plugin.ansisbsmicroplates.AnsiSBS384MicroplateType
AnsiSBS96MicroplateType - Class in org.youscope.plugin.ansisbsmicroplates
AnsiSBS96MicroplateType() - Constructor for class org.youscope.plugin.ansisbsmicroplates.AnsiSBS96MicroplateType
AnsiSBSMicroplateTypeFactory - Class in org.youscope.plugin.ansisbsmicroplates
AnsiSBSMicroplateTypeFactory() - Constructor for class org.youscope.plugin.ansisbsmicroplates.AnsiSBSMicroplateTypeFactory
APOS - Static variable in class org.json.XML
The Character '''.
applyDeviceSetting(DeviceSetting, int) - Method in interface org.youscope.addon.microscopeaccess.MicroscopeInternal
Sets the given device property to the given value.
applyDeviceSetting(DeviceSetting) - Method in interface org.youscope.common.microscope.Microscope
Sets the given device property to the given value.
applyDeviceSettingAsync(DeviceSetting, int) - Method in interface org.youscope.addon.microscopeaccess.MicroscopeInternal
Sets the given device property to the given value.
applyDeviceSettingAsync(DeviceSetting) - Method in interface org.youscope.common.microscope.Microscope
Sets the given device property to the given value.
applyDeviceSettings(DeviceSetting[], int) - Method in interface org.youscope.addon.microscopeaccess.MicroscopeInternal
Sets the given device properties to the given values.
applyDeviceSettings(DeviceSetting[]) - Method in interface org.youscope.common.microscope.Microscope
Sets the given device properties to the given values.
applyDeviceSettingsAsync(DeviceSetting[], int) - Method in interface org.youscope.addon.microscopeaccess.MicroscopeInternal
Sets the given device properties to the given values.
applyDeviceSettingsAsync(DeviceSetting[]) - Method in interface org.youscope.common.microscope.Microscope
Sets the given device properties to the given values.
applySkin() - Method in interface
When this function is called, the addon should set its look and feel by calling UIManager.setLookAndFeel(javax.swing.LookAndFeel) or UIManager.setLookAndFeel(String).
array() - Method in class org.json.JSONWriter
Begin appending a new array.
assertInitialized() - Method in class org.youscope.common.resource.ResourceAdapter
assertRunning() - Method in class org.youscope.common.job.JobAdapter
Convenient method to throw an exception if a parameter of a job should be changed, but the job is currently executed.
assertSupported(Class<? extends Serializable>) - Static method in class org.youscope.common.table.TableHelper
Helper function throwing a TableException if given value type is not supported by YouScope, and doing nothing otherwise.
AutocorrelationFocusScoreConfiguration - Class in org.youscope.plugin.simplefocusscores
AutocorrelationFocusScoreConfiguration() - Constructor for class org.youscope.plugin.simplefocusscores.AutocorrelationFocusScoreConfiguration
AutoFocusDevice - Interface in org.youscope.common.microscope
AutoFocusDeviceInternal - Interface in org.youscope.addon.microscopeaccess
AutoFocusJob - Interface in org.youscope.plugin.autofocus
Interface of a measurement job which automatically adjusts the focus.
AutoFocusJobConfiguration - Class in org.youscope.plugin.autofocus
Configuration for a job which automatically searches for the focal plane.
AutoFocusJobConfiguration() - Constructor for class org.youscope.plugin.autofocus.AutoFocusJobConfiguration
AutoFocusJobFactory - Class in org.youscope.plugin.autofocus
AutoFocusJobFactory() - Constructor for class org.youscope.plugin.autofocus.AutoFocusJobFactory
AutoFocusTable - Class in org.youscope.plugin.autofocus
Provide information about the layout of the table filled with the autofocus scores.
AvailableDeviceDriver - Interface in org.youscope.common.microscope
AvailableDeviceDriverInternal - Interface in org.youscope.addon.microscopeaccess
AvailableDeviceDriverRMI - Class in org.youscope.server
AvailableDeviceDriverRMI(AvailableDeviceDriverInternal, int) - Constructor for class org.youscope.server.AvailableDeviceDriverRMI
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